Last week end I went to London - Earl Court - to the Book Fair, three days, but it was half empty due to the volcano. A lot of exhibitors were not there, so a bit of a disappointment. My latest Novel was not displayed for buyers. And to top it all the three days were most expensive - I could have gone on a two week holiday abroad for less. But not to worry, there is the New York show in June.
No matter, the summer is coming, I always like the spring and summer, renewal, everything comes alive – the days grow longer. Weather gets slowly warmer – should – I’m still waiting!
A few years ago I planted a load of acorns in a large tub; I have about a dozen little oak trees: I will plant them out next year – give them a chance to live. Oak trees live for about 200 years, so these little saplings – if I plant them correctly - will be sunning their little leaves long after I’m gone and even forgotten.
There is the wonder in nature, constant change. Every little bit of life, no matter how small or large strives to live, to prosper: fulfill the potential giving it by Nature. The longer I live the more I look at life – my journey – as a blip, my blip, in a big wide world, itself of which is but a blip in our universe, and the universe another blip in the wider cosmos, and so it goes on ad infinitum forever turning on the wheel of fortune.
Wow! I’m getting all philosophical, stop it Roy, but it’s true, so I make no apology for writing what I feel. Anyway, that’s all for now forks.