Roy Tomkinson
Hi, everyone,
I have just written a play, two hours long. Ouch!
I think it's good anyway.
Here is the synopsis, let me know what you think! Sickorus, as a character, he just grew and grew, and he's in three of my other manuscripts.
As yet to be published. My Trilogy of "Through The Oaks" to be published in three volumes.
A battle rages (late autumn) hand to hand combat. Sickorus has killed Simalson, son of Simason the King, by the edge of a river, to the left of him is Mathus a little way down river. Sickorus beaten to the ground by two soldiers trying to aid Simalson, he is at their mercy about to die, Mathus saves him killing the two soldiers.Casualties heavy on both sides, weather closes in, both armies retreat to the opposite banks of the river.
The battle is at an end, no clear winner, autumn, no further conflict until the coming spring.The Lords meet in a tent away from the battlefield concerned the battle indecisive, the King expected a clear victory, anything less would suffer his wrath. Each year the neighbouring Kingdom continually caused trouble from spring until autumn.
The King had had enough, wanted it finished, him the victor, now, come the spring, they would be back raiding and pillaging.The Lords show concern they could lose their land, even their lives for failure. Sickorus suggested overthrowing the King supplanting him with Palas, the nearest heir, Sickorus knew he could control Palas without difficulty and if not there was always poison. At first, a hushed silence – Sickorus knew to fail meant execution for treason, pushed the matter forward. He had the main card still up his sleeve (Act 1 Scene 2).
Already, he had betrayed them to the King.Slowly, the lords moved over to his side except Barus and Mathus. Both adamant that to depose a King would end in destruction for them and the country. Mathus proposes a toast to the King only Barus stands.
The situation defuses when informed by a soldier Palas has not returned and missing, the meeting breaks to search for him.Sickorus and Mathus travel together, at the river go in different directions. Sickorus notices the King’s cousin Palas, wounded in the leg, struggling to get back across the river, the mist closing, raining heavily. The river rises. Sickorus finds Palus, helps, places an arm around him to help cross the river; Palas leans heavily on him for support.He tells Sickorus it is rumoured the queen is pregnant; if true his hopes of being heir to the throne are dashed, glad at the prospect.
Sickorus is shocked at the news; changes everything.(Significant Incident)They approach the centre of the river. Sickorus stabs him in the back, lets him float down river shouting to Mathus on the bank that Palas is dead andthat he has his sword.Punishment was now definite, not only losing the battle but also failing to protect the heir to the throne.
The following day they meet in a tent over a meal. Sickorus stands and toasts the King and Queen, the are Lords startled by his sudden allegiance to the King and Queen. Reluctantly they all stand each distrusting the others’ motives especially so Sickorus. Soon the conversation starts about what the King will do to them.
He had been known to execute for less, ruthless in maintaining power. With no clear heir to the throne, King out of the way, all have a chance at the Crown, only Sickorus knows about the Queen. Ambition, greed, shows in every face, only Sickorus, the initial instigator in regicide vigorously argues the opposite engendering further mistrust.
Lords retire to their own castles to wait events.The King calls a meeting, the lords are hesitant, enter the King’s Castle, divested of their arms. A few protest to no avail, on edge, no one prepared to make the first move against the King. The King enters the hall in a rage berating them about the battle calling them cowards, insisting they should have achieved victory and protected Palas, unceremoniously dismissing them but insist they stay in the castle making sure there are guards with them at all time. When they protest he insists it is for their own protection and are guests.
Two of the lords are in prison accused of treason; the rest feel it will only be a matter of time before all the Lords will be in the same position. Propose a secret meeting not telling Sickorus, Mathus or Barus and plot to overthrow the King. Sickorus finds out about the meeting and turns up uninvited, assures them he is with them and only argued against because Mathus and Barus were present.
Nevertheless, still goes on to argue fearlessly against regicide. “The King is old and has not long to live. Why risk all for the sake of a few years.” They are insecure, feel the King will pick them off one by one, berate Sickorus asking him why he has so conveniently changed his mind reminding him originally it was his idea and demand to know the reason.He procrastinates, fears for his life, pretends he wants the King gone as much as they and only testing their resolve.
They are unconvinced and need proof. Sickorus proposes to kill Barus and Mathus to show his loyalty. They agree, remind him his mother is a “guest” in one of the Lord’s castles and cautions a warning to fail or betray would mean his mother’s death.(First Turning Point)The queen in disguise meets up with Sickorus, confirms she is pregnant with his baby, the King still does not suspect; Sickous cautions her to keep her own council.
If the King knows the Queen is pregnant she will be executed, his baby with it. They had planned to get rid of the King together, she take the throne, Sickorus the consort and is surprised when he changes his mind. He explains the reason. If the King goes when the Lords are alive so does she, sees the logic but points out the danger.
The king has been impotent for years, will know he is not the father, already, he has asked her about the rumour, she vigorously denied but time was short.The King is preparing to round up the Lords on treason; aware they are trying to overthrow him, but needs to be careful, together they are powerful, already, they are in his castle. Sickorus wants this to happen and let things take their course.
When the way is clear he will give the Queen poison to give to the King, they will be together, opposition gone, on the throne with the next heir already in waiting.Sickorus greets Barus as friend, informs they are to meet to appeal to the King against the imprisonment of the two Lords and the others for them to reaffirm fealty to the King all will be well, use the winter to prepare to defeat Simason in the spring.
Barus congratulates him on talking the other Lords round and they ride off together towards the Castle, halfway Sickorus arranges an ambush and Barus is murdered.Sickorus arrives at the Castle dishevelled demands audience with the King, blocked by his personal guard despite his insistence and disarmed. Eventually, escorted into his present the King, angry, reminds to disturb a King at prayer/eating is a serious offence. Sickorus ignores the remark, informs the King there is a revolt in the offing; his life is in danger.
The king is sceptical; the Lords are nowhere near powerful enough and had already decided to divest them of their land and position and safely in the castle under his control, carries on eating.The King asks who the leaders are, reluctantly Sickorus states Mathus, informs Barus and he were on their (reminds the King his warning – Act 1 Scene 2) way to tell the King and ambushed. ‘They’ killed Barus; Sickorus said he escaped showing the King the wound on his arm.
King thanks, reminds he is a member of his personal guard and will take full status when the Lords are executed and instructs the two Lords in prison be executed, Sickorus to officiate. The King promises Sickorus their lands, and instructs him to fetch Mathus alive after the execution of two Lords.
The Lords hold a meeting without Sickorus to discuss if he has completed his gruesome task, still distrustful but they hold the trump card, his mother. To betray, immediately they would execute her, they hear of the executions and escape the castle, they have nothing to lose. Assemble forces against the King, messengers sent to the Saxonits requesting a meeting with their King Simason to join forces united against the King.Sickorus meets up with Mathus tells him the King has sent him to kill him, already, the King has killed Barus and the two imprisoned lords. Mathus is horrified, still refused to go against the anointed King and demands a meeting. Sickorus tell him he’d be dead before he gets near the King and to take flight back to the North and to stay in exile, if seen again he’ll be summarily executed.Sickorus returns, tells the King Mathus has taken flight.
The King berates him for not getting there sooner but is preoccupied with his generals to worry too much, declares he is going after the traitorous Lords to bring them to book. The queen enters tried to persuade the King to hold off a full scale battle with the Lords even thought the King’s army out number them three to one. Argues the vacuum would allow.
Simason the opportunity he needs to mount a full scale battle against them advises, fragmentation at this time too dangerous and urges caution.A messenger informs the lords have joined forces with the Saxonits and amassing at the border. Sickorus and the Queen realise if the King is defeated all is lost Simason would rule both kingdoms and would have his revenge against Sickorus for killing his son. Imperative a peace is brokered, the King is adamant, a victory now would rid him of all his enemies and gives the order to prepare for battle.
Sickorus implores the King to let him at least, go to the Lords to make them see sense and assure them there would be no reprisals and to sit around the table with the King, to air their grievances.The King does realise the danger of a winter campaign. Believes he has the advantage despite the forces being of equal size. He has better trained troops, the risk still high and would like more time to prepare, agrees to let Sickorus go and talk to them to buy time for greater preparation.
The King has no intention other than to destroy the Lords; Sickorus realised, far from convinced the King is strong enough to win.(If the King loses all is lost 2nd turning point)Sickorus secretly meets up with the queen, they make love, implores her to try to persuade the King to offer the Lords an olive branch expressing his doubts about battle. The queen is horrified; losing had not even entered her head. Failing everything, Sickorus is convinced it is better to let the enemy come to them.
They will be outside in the cold weather for many months whereas the King’s men will be rested, fresh for the fight. She tells him the King is pig headed and will do what he wants but she will try to keep him in the castle. Let the weather take its toll on the others not on the King’s forces. She reminds him she cannot keep the pregnancy from the King for more than a few months, if the king is still alive then all will be lost in any event.It looks hopeless.
If the King loses all is lost, if the battle is postponed and not fought until the spring there would be no way the Queen could keep the pregnancy from the King for that long. If the king is not dead by Christ’s mass, it will be to late. Sickorus must get the Lords with Simason to march on the King, the only option open.
Immediately they are defeated, the path would be clear for him and the Queen to realise their plan and kill the King.Unbeknown to Sickorus the King has no intention of chasing the enemy around the country in winter, calls Sickorus, who is about to leave to try to broker a deal, to a meeting. Tells him to bring the enemy to him and he would be waiting giving the exact spot where we wishes to meet them in combat.Sickorus cannot believe his luck, promises to do all in his power to bring the enemy to the King. Rides off thinking the Queen had done her work well.
The plan is back on track. He must persuade the Lords and the Saxonits to move the battle towards the King and into defeat.He rushes off to meet up with the Lords. Astounded at the progress for war in such a short time, starts to have doubts the King could win against such a powerful enemy.
He has the advantage, each side thinks he is with them, realises it may ultimately come down to survival if the King is defeated, sends a secret messenger to the Queen imploring her to go into exile with Mathus until the outcome of the battle is known. If the king loses, without doubt, being pregnant would not save her, in fact, the opposite.Simason enters; the other Lords with Sickorus stand.
He sees the hatred in Simason’s eyes and realises he knows it was he who killed his son. They think he will try to persuade them to not fight the King but to their surprise he tells them the King is weak, will not come to fight believing they will not travel in winter to attack him. Sickorus tells them the King needs time to build up his forces, if they wait until spring it may be too late.Diasus sarcastically asks what is in it for Sickorus, replied nothing other that to keep his land.
The Lords state it is rumoured the King has given their lands to Sickorus as a reward for loyalty Sickorus affirms and gives it back to them. Sickorus knows his fate totally lies with the King. No matter what he does the Saxonite Simason will kill him after the battle, none of the other Lords will intervene on his behalf, already he feels, (and is right) they’re carving up his lands between them.They argue among themselves whether to wait until spring or move and attack the King now.
The Lords wish to wait; Simason wants to move immediately. Sickorus weights in heavily on his side, protesting caution now and all will be lost. The other Lords slowly give ground but are distrustful of Sickorus’ motives. Simason mentions to Sickorus after the battle they have a score to settle.
If the King is defeated there is now no doubt, Simason will take the throne, he and the Queen executed.Diasus asks Sickorus where his soldiers are forcing him to admit with the King. He draws a sword and places it against Sickorus’ neck vowing that if Sickorus double-crosses them he will personally have his head but before that would painfully remove all his fingers and toes one by one. Sickorus vows his men are loyal to him, when the time comes will turn against the King’s men, left them there for that reason and not for the King to get suspicious.
He asks about his mother, Diasus only says she is safe and will remain so as long as Sickorus does not double cross. Demands her release, the other Lords shake their heads and smile. Diasus tells him sarcastically she is under his protection, “as guest and not prisoner.” The message is clear, nothing further he can do, states he must go back to the King not for him to suspect. Sickorus realised he is a prisoner, a message sent to his troops if they fight he will be killed.
The Lords have brokered a deal with Simason and sold Sickorus down the river.They march on the King the battle is long and hard, the King in retreat. They follow to finish, to their surprise the King turns makes a stand on high ground, fighting continues into the night. Casualties are heavy on both sides, just when the Lords and Saxonits think the battle is turning their way Mathus turns up with an army and routes them.
The King wins the day. Simason retreats back into the mountains most of his army destroyed.The Lords die in battle, Diasus manages to escape, on the way back he meets Sickorus. They fight; Sickorus the victor, Diasus tells Sickorus before he is killed his mother is dead, killed by his hand after he raped her.
Sickorus chops off his head, mounts in on a lance, marches forward in triumph looking every inch a King.Sickorus in temper marches on Diasus’ Castle killing all inside, including Diasus wife and three children, burns the castle; all opposition annihilated only the King remains, Sickorus confident the Queen will do her part leaving the path clear for them to take the throne. The only one in the way is Mathus, Sickorus sees little problem, immediately the King is dead, the Queen will announce she is pregnant which will still any opposition.(Third turning point)The King is not as in the dark as Sickorus believes. Aware of the Queen’s infidelity for months with Sickorus and confronts the Queen.
At first she denies, eventually forced to confess stating she was raped by Sickorus and was too ashamed to tell the King, and pregnant, begs the King to forgive, saying she’ll bring the child up as his. If Sickorus is executed no one will be the wiser. (Conclusion)The King finds the poison intended for him, is horrified, pours in down her throat, watches as she writhes in agony.
The fate meant for him. Instruct the servants to disfigure her face and throw her naked body as carrion meat.Sickorus enters triumphantly and immediately escorted in front of the King, He asks about the Queen. The King tells him she is with child and out feeding the birds. Sickorus hedges, congratulates him, the King smiles, asks Sickorus if he’s ready for his final honour and reminds him of his own words “To die serving my King is honour indeed.”Sickorus realised the situation and raises his sword but before he is able to get near the King the palace guards waiting in readiness apprehends him.
The King orders castration, parts thrown after the queen and cuts off his right hand.Sickorus writhes in agony on the floor, the King demands quiet and instructs one of the guards to cut out his tongue and fill his mouth with salt and throw him into the gutter to be with be beggarsThe King orders all to leave.
After a while a servant approaches, informs Mathus is waiting to see him. The King apologised having doubted him, announces Mathus the next heir to the throne and goes to fight Simonson telling Mathus to govern wisely. This will be a battle he will not be coming back from, leaves Mathus as the King in waiting, departs with the words “say a prayer for me on Christ’s mass, my deeds are great.
But Sickorus, in my other manuscripts is not a human, this play is a one off, but a Spite, a nasty, ugly spiteful, Spite, and what is that you say? Oh, I reply, that is what you''ll have to wait to find out.
I have the complete play, prepared to share the first few scenes.And when at it, check out my other novels,Of Boys, Men and Mountains Anger Child, The Tour.
Have a good day, and if you can't have a good day, stay away from a bad one.
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