A morning conundrum:
“Stewardesses” is the longest word typed with using only the left hand.
“Lollipop” is the longest word typed with your right hand.
Silly I know, but interesting nevertheless, if you find two others words which are longer, (English language of course) I’ll send you a free copy of my novel.
(11.55am) Just got back from the library in town, my pedometer states I have walked just over 6000 steps, and it is registering healthy and it’s only lunch time, called in the gym on the way back and obtained an application form to join.
The amount of junk I receive everyday in my postbox is way over the top, today is the worse, over twenty pieces of advertising, no matter, it’ll help light the log stove. Will have beans on toast for lunch (Watties Beans: I tried the value ones, but they are not good, but these are exceptionally good) one of my favourite meals.
Been to town, at last I have the meat, silverside, for $6, will make beef in red wine. Read for most of the afternoon and then picked up the boy, and took him home and put him to bed at 7.15, left his house when his father turned up after work, home now (9.30pm) will have food and to bed, walked a lot again today, 22,000 steps.
A shop in town sells professional fins and goggles with snorkels, and they are on offering 15% off until Sunday, they are top quality, and were not expensive to start with, will buy them tomorrow, made up my mind straight away, but will sleep on it first, best to be sure. And will snorkel in the lake. I’ve heard there are caves somewhere and I’ll explore them, the water is warming up every day – today it’s been 25 deg, with a slight wind this morning but it dies off in the afternoon.
When I remember, just read in the daily paper: the Mayor of Kabul continues to run Afghanistan’s capital despite being sentenced to four years in jail for corruption charges. Mayor Abdul Ahad Sehabi who is 63 years old, was found guilty last Monday of awarding a contract for a city project without placing the contract out to competition. A court sentenced him to four years in jail, yet, he is still in office. What a country! As I said a little earlier, it is a corrupt country: how is it possible for someone to remain in office after what has happened! The culture is amnesia to us in the West, and our solidiers are dying for that, disgraceful.
(8.15am) A good morning, been writing for almost two hours and I’ve completed 1,600 words, a good start. I will have breakfast now: Apricots, plums, a banana topped with Greek yogurt and eat as I work.
Went to town, and joined the gym for three months, spoke to a really nice woman, Sara, when I gave her my completed application form I had to state what I did. When she noticed I was a writer, she was right interested in my work and we had a little chat. I didn’t stay for a work out, I may go back after lunch, or even tomorrow, we'll have to see. It opens a 6am every day, but the weather forecast is not that good tomorrow.
I did intend to go swimming, and was in the shop ready to purchase what I need and the phone rings, my son was in town, I met up with him and his wife and we went for lunch in Acacia Bay about 10 - 15 minutes drive from Taupo town centre.
It’s really nice over there; spectacular in fact, quite up market, really enjoyed the afternoon lunch, back in house now (1.30pm). I’ll purchase the gear later today or tomorrow. I have until Sunday before the price goes back up and my son will lend me his surfing boots, may need a wet suite, will see after my first swim.
I notice they have quite a few tracks of land for sale in Acadia Bay: 4 acres, (I hectare) for around $160,000, and you build your own house. That's enough land for a horse, a few chickens and cattle, and a pig or two if you like the life style, right near the lake, good value if our £ wasn’t so darn weak.
A right mess our government has made of things, we are the only Western economy still in recession when measures against GDP, despite the amount of money the government has pumped into the economy under the fancy heading of Quantitive Easing over the last 18 month, together with funding the banks against their toxic debt. And yet, we are still show negative economic growth for the last quarter.
But on the news last night, a New Zealand economist stated their $ was overprices in comparison to other currencies, so it might well weaken a little, the strong New Zealand $ will make exports that much no expensive, vis-a-vis against other currencies. But we’ll have to see, so there could be opportunities for the brave hearted to buy Sterling and sit on it. Then, if the £ strengths and goes to $3, there will be a third gain, but of course, that is only my opinion, and there is risk, the $ could become even stronger, and there would be a loss by holding Sterling.
Just finished cutting up the beef, over here that cut is called, “corned silverside” and is salted, so I will let it soak in cold water and change in every few hours and run in under the cold tap to get the salt out.
(5.15pm) I collected my grandson from nursery and made him a special smoothie, an ordinary smooth is just using fruit, but I’ve invented “a special smoothie” which includes an ice cream as well, with blackberry juice. Later, we went to feed the ducks, a light supper, a shower, and then he’s to bed.
I read and watched television until 10pm and I went to bed really tired.
(Saturday 12th December)
The weather is wet this morning; the forecast did predict it yesterday so it’s no surprise. Stayed in the house reading and playing with my grandson until 12.30 when I prepared lunch.
If the day was sunny I intended to go and have a swim in the lake, but that’s now out of the question, need go and look for a wet suite later, and to do a little shopping.
Other than 2 small bottles of beer at the barbecues last Tuesday, I haven’t had an alcoholic drink in over a week, was thinking of going into town tonight, but with the overcast sky and more rain forecasted, I can’t see it happening.
Well, I wouldn’t have believed it, the weather this afternoon changed, the sky turned blue, the sun came out, rain gone. This weather takes some getting used to. Went to town after I dropped my grandson off at 5pm, and I now have a wet suite, 2.5mm, thickness, knee length, a lot cheaper than back home. I’m ready now for the water to snorkel and canoe.
The weather is fairly clouds this morning, just eaten a bowl of muesli plus a banana topped with Greek yogurt and semi skimmed milk. If I carry on eating this yogurt, I’ll be speaking Latin in no time, I think I’m developing an addiction to the stuff.
Christmas is less than two weeks away, seems funny being in warm weather, seeing Santa in the sun, actually there are loads of them around. Some on skies, why not reindeers – that’s a mystery to me bearing in mind the amount of deer they have out here.
Anyway, a few more pieces of did you know conundrums, pretty useless in themselves, but nevertheless worth knowing:
No word in the English language rhymes with orange, silver, or purple.
Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters `mt.’
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing, (No sure why that is so, anyone, any answers?).
The sentence: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog’ uses every letter on the key board.
The words `racecar, kayak,’ and `level’ are the same whether they are read from left to right.
There are only four words which end in `dous:’ tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.’
Read for the morning, for lunch, rice with onion, cheese and two hard-boiled eggs with a tomato salad. Afterwards finished reading the novel (1.50pm) by Euanie MacDonald, I’d recommend anyone that can got hold of a copy to read it, a most enjoying novel, indeed, very much so.
The sun is out but it’s not as warm as yesterday, so I may stay in for the afternoon and read, that's all day reading I suppose until the meal tonight – I can hear the birds chattering and chirping away outside my window.
(Evening 6pm) Haven’t been over the door today, read for most of the afternoon, James Patterson with Andrew Gross, “The 3rd Degree,” the chapters are really small, some less than one page long, also in-between, had a little sleep.
The evening meal is ready for 6.30pm; beef is red wine etc, with glazed carrots, boiled potatoes, peas, and green beans. No starters this time: dessert is a lemon cake base (left from last week) topped with chopped strawberries in a red jelly let to set harden in fridge, with custard, (not the custard I bought last week, that was terrible, this is a more expensive brand) and topped with cream. If it tastes as good as it looks, it’ll go down a treat.
Meal put back to 7.30pm, two guests are working late, not a problem, everything is in the oven ready to serve.
Also, I learned there are caves around the lake, lava holes about two metres down and I can swim through and come out the other end in a cave, apparently, not many people know of the caves – well worse an explore.
Now I’m watching, `The Thirty Nine Steps’ by John Buchanan and then to bed. Oh no, the film has a woman in it as a main character: there is no woman in the book. Why do they do that? They should stick to the story in the book, but I suspect to brings a romantic sexual element into the story.
Up at 7.30am and straight down the gym. It’s third of a mile from my house to the gym, had a good work out, cardio and weights, back home by 9.20am to shower, feeling invigorated. Breakfast, muesli, banana and Greek yogurt, saw my son down there, the gym was quite full, and we walked back together.
He lives quite a way from the gym; at least a 30 minute walk from my house. The weather is cloudy this morning and it belted down with rain for most of the night. Since I have been here there has been a lot of rain, but I was told that in November it was the driest month on record, so I expect there’s something of a catch up.
I haven’t checked my emails for a few days, may do so later. If the sum comes out, I'll go down the lake for a snorkel.
(9.55) I’ll write now for a while, and take the rest of the day as manĂ£na, I feel lazy today.
(12.50) Just finished writing for the day, lunch: rice with raw onion, mixed, lettuce and tomato salad, tuna fish and wholemeal bread, with a trifle left from yesterday, then I’m going into town, the weather is overcast so I’ll not be going snorkelling in the lake today.
(3.0pm) Just got back in the house, went down to the library, there is a waiting list for the internet, school has broken up last Friday for the holidays. This is their main summer holiday, ours is in July and August, not to worry. I’ll go down by 9am tomorrow when it opens, OK then, the girl informed me with a smile, “The little darlings are out of school,” were her words, will go training first at 7.30am spend a hour in the gym, and then to the library.
Later, if the sun is out, I may finally get into the lake and snorkel, there are still clouds about, but it’s rather warm now. Think I’ll have a coffee and read for a while, bought a large bar of chocolate, but I haven’t opened it yet, I’ll have a few squares tonight, the chocolate out here is a lot nicer. For dinner I’m having sausages with the vegetables left over from yesterday, there’s just enough left for a tidy meal. Read for the rest of the night, in bed my 10pm.
I had a walk about town then home (11.05am). I was thinking of going down the lake but the weather is rather windy with a few clouds, so it may be this afternoon. I’ll get there some time. I’ll have an early lunch, missed breakfast this morning, unusual for me. I’ll read a little and do some writing. It should get quite warm later; it is funny spending Christmas, hearing bells, seeing Santa, when the sun is out, takes a bit of getting used to.
More did you know fact:-
Two words in the English Language have all five vowels in order:
Abstemious = self-denying, moderate, self-disciplined, sober.
Facetious = teasing, tongue in cheek.
TYPEWRITER is the only longest word that can be made using only the letter on one row of the keyboard.
Did you know? A cat has 32 muscles in each ear – weird, but true, honest!
(2.50) Just finished the novel by James Patterson, “The 3rd Degree” He is easy to read, short cutting paragraphs, he knows how to keep the interest, he pulls you in and then holding you, I’ll read a few more of his book over the next few weeks.
I’ve just started another book. This time a complete change of tempo: A political Biography by Fritz J. Raddatz, of “Karl Marx," and from what I’ve read so far, he wasn’t a particularly nice person, but it’s early days as yet, will let you know more after I’ve ploughed through it. It’s a rather hefty read and it should keep me occupied for quite a while. I’ll not be reading it all at once, but dipping in and out over the next few weeks while reading a few other novels in-between.
Fetch my grandson from school, he’s staying the night, I made spaghetti bolognaise for dinner, and latter we went down to the river, only a few steps away, and fed the ducks and he was in bed asleep by 7.15. I read and watched television until 10.30pm and went to bed.
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