Why do - SOME - Muslims think they are different from us?
Better even, and take us for suckers!
They use our laws but have no respect for our culture
Better even, and take us for suckers!
They use our laws but have no respect for our culture
They are the same as us, no better - no worse - and we should not give in to their silly nonsense, especially when it comes to dress code. This country is taking political correctness to an absurd length in trying to appease different cultural differences in our population.
Is it any wonder when people from Ireland get angry with the number of Polish who come into the country and still wish to retain their own culture, instead of integrating into our way of life? Unemployment is high and rising, curbs need to the introduced and rigorously enforced; the authorities need to show that they are doing something positive for our people and not appeasing other sub cultures, which lack British values.
Violence is not the way forward, it never is, but the politicians and judges must start to take notice, serious notice, of the anger that is building in this country against an erosion of our values and culture; seeming to appease other minority groups above what we value and consider British, should never be the case.
Two members of the BNP have been voted into the European Parliament using that very argument, standing for British values, and won, over the heads the mainstream parties. It's no good, as the main parties seem to have done, to brush it off as being little more that a protest vote against the MP’s expenses debacle and the state of the economy.
It is a warning: if we carry on down this road, more people will become disillusioned with the system that seems to favours foreign, often alien values, above our own. Why should we cater for other languages! Other countries don’t, yet, it’s as if we try to be everything to everybody, except for our own people, their values are often shoved under the table it pursuit of political correctness.
Take the case of a foreign waitress, a Muslim, who was awarded nearly £3,000 in damages for sexual harassment after being made to wear a revealing red dress for work.
Fata Lemes, 33, quit her job after claiming that the low-cut dress was “disgusting” and made her look like a “prostitute.” Miss Lemes, a Bosnian Muslim, had told an employment tribunal that she “might as well have been naked” in the dress.
“I was brought up a Muslim and am not used to wearing sexually attractive clothes,” she said, tut, tut, tut, the little... I won't say, it but the little girl who cried fire, comes to mind.
The London based Employment Tribunal awarded Miss Lemes damages after pointing out that only women - and not male staff - were required to wear the summer uniform at the bar in Mayfair, London. What do they expect, men to wear dresses. Absolute nonsense!
The outfit, described as “brightly coloured, and figure hugging, exactly the type of dress you would expect to see worn in a bar.”
This Bosnian woman was trying to claim a total of £20,000 compensation, including £17,500 for her hurt feelings (poor thing!). Thank goodness the Tribunal thought otherwise, called her claim “manifestly absurd.” But still she was awarded £2,919.95 for hurt feelings and loss of earnings, which I think is absolutely disgraceful, political correctness gone bad, by do good idiots.
The Tribunal said that while Miss Lemes held “views about modesty and decency which some might think unusual in Britain in the 21st century,” her employer should have taken her feelings into account when asking her to wear the dress.
The ruling stated: “Her perception was that wearing the dress would make her feel as if she was on show, as if she was being presented as one of the attractions which the Rocket Bar was offering its customers.
And the Bar maintained, and rightly in my view that: “In our view that perception was legitimate and not unreasonable. It [the dress] is clearly a garment for a girl or young woman. It is intended to, and does, show the curves of the body.” She works in a Bar, she is supposed to look smart and smile at the customers all the time, that is her job.
Miss Lemes began working at the bar in May last year. A week later she was asked to change into the red dress instead of the loose fitting black linen shirt. Not the sort of image you would associate with a trendy Bar.
She maintains: “It was indecent. If you put this dress on you might as well be naked,” she told the tribunal.
She states: “Everything finishes in the middle at the chest. It is open at the front and the back. I did not want men looking at my body.”
Miss Lemes earned £5.52 an hour plus a share of the tips but quit after informing the bar’s manager she could not wear the dress.
At the Tribunal, the restaurant group submitted photos of another waitress, Amanda Bjursten, wearing the dress in the bar. Ms Bjursten, who appeared at the Tribunal modelling the outfit, stated that she was “completely comfortable” wearing the red dress.
Luca Scanu, the bar manager, denied the dress was intended to increase sales and tips from male customers by being “sexually inviting.” But even if it was somewhat revealing, she was working in a bar and needed to look the part.
What does this silly money grabbing girl expect? To dress as a nun! If that is the case, she should take orders, and become ordained, but somehow I think not, she enjoys the good life far too much for that.
Is it any wonder when people from Ireland get angry with the number of Polish who come into the country and still wish to retain their own culture, instead of integrating into our way of life? Unemployment is high and rising, curbs need to the introduced and rigorously enforced; the authorities need to show that they are doing something positive for our people and not appeasing other sub cultures, which lack British values.
Violence is not the way forward, it never is, but the politicians and judges must start to take notice, serious notice, of the anger that is building in this country against an erosion of our values and culture; seeming to appease other minority groups above what we value and consider British, should never be the case.
Two members of the BNP have been voted into the European Parliament using that very argument, standing for British values, and won, over the heads the mainstream parties. It's no good, as the main parties seem to have done, to brush it off as being little more that a protest vote against the MP’s expenses debacle and the state of the economy.
It is a warning: if we carry on down this road, more people will become disillusioned with the system that seems to favours foreign, often alien values, above our own. Why should we cater for other languages! Other countries don’t, yet, it’s as if we try to be everything to everybody, except for our own people, their values are often shoved under the table it pursuit of political correctness.
Take the case of a foreign waitress, a Muslim, who was awarded nearly £3,000 in damages for sexual harassment after being made to wear a revealing red dress for work.
Fata Lemes, 33, quit her job after claiming that the low-cut dress was “disgusting” and made her look like a “prostitute.” Miss Lemes, a Bosnian Muslim, had told an employment tribunal that she “might as well have been naked” in the dress.
“I was brought up a Muslim and am not used to wearing sexually attractive clothes,” she said, tut, tut, tut, the little... I won't say, it but the little girl who cried fire, comes to mind.
The London based Employment Tribunal awarded Miss Lemes damages after pointing out that only women - and not male staff - were required to wear the summer uniform at the bar in Mayfair, London. What do they expect, men to wear dresses. Absolute nonsense!
The outfit, described as “brightly coloured, and figure hugging, exactly the type of dress you would expect to see worn in a bar.”
This Bosnian woman was trying to claim a total of £20,000 compensation, including £17,500 for her hurt feelings (poor thing!). Thank goodness the Tribunal thought otherwise, called her claim “manifestly absurd.” But still she was awarded £2,919.95 for hurt feelings and loss of earnings, which I think is absolutely disgraceful, political correctness gone bad, by do good idiots.
The Tribunal said that while Miss Lemes held “views about modesty and decency which some might think unusual in Britain in the 21st century,” her employer should have taken her feelings into account when asking her to wear the dress.
The ruling stated: “Her perception was that wearing the dress would make her feel as if she was on show, as if she was being presented as one of the attractions which the Rocket Bar was offering its customers.
And the Bar maintained, and rightly in my view that: “In our view that perception was legitimate and not unreasonable. It [the dress] is clearly a garment for a girl or young woman. It is intended to, and does, show the curves of the body.” She works in a Bar, she is supposed to look smart and smile at the customers all the time, that is her job.
Miss Lemes began working at the bar in May last year. A week later she was asked to change into the red dress instead of the loose fitting black linen shirt. Not the sort of image you would associate with a trendy Bar.
She maintains: “It was indecent. If you put this dress on you might as well be naked,” she told the tribunal.
She states: “Everything finishes in the middle at the chest. It is open at the front and the back. I did not want men looking at my body.”
Miss Lemes earned £5.52 an hour plus a share of the tips but quit after informing the bar’s manager she could not wear the dress.
At the Tribunal, the restaurant group submitted photos of another waitress, Amanda Bjursten, wearing the dress in the bar. Ms Bjursten, who appeared at the Tribunal modelling the outfit, stated that she was “completely comfortable” wearing the red dress.
Luca Scanu, the bar manager, denied the dress was intended to increase sales and tips from male customers by being “sexually inviting.” But even if it was somewhat revealing, she was working in a bar and needed to look the part.
What does this silly money grabbing girl expect? To dress as a nun! If that is the case, she should take orders, and become ordained, but somehow I think not, she enjoys the good life far too much for that.

This is Madam Lemus on holiday, picture taken from her Face Book Page by Tim Stuart. Spending no doubt her ill begotten gain. She must have left her Muslim values at home when this picture was taken. She is showing more bare flesh than ever the red dress reveals - funny that, don't you think!
This behaviour does no good, when silly Tribunals award payment to people like that, and causes anger and disgust among the indiginent British population. These are some of the comments on the web from The Opinionator.
"Fata, you are a sickening piece of shit. Just absolutely disgusting. I would rather kiss a piece of dog shit than to kiss a horrible piece of crap like you. I hope some day you are wrongfully sued for all you have in your pathetic life."
Posted by: Mark June 15, 2009 at 10:05 PM
"All the "rights" tribunals including the employment ones along with most civic employees have no common sense.Which is why certain people get away with this kind of thing. their culture tells them that this is a wonderful thing to do and the politically correct dhimmies go along with it ,increasing the chances that it will happen again."
Posted by: Jay June 15, 2009 at 11:55 PM
"Incidents like this just make it easier for an employer not to hire a moslem in the first place. She is proving that moslem employees are more trouble than they are worth.
It's a shame that it's come to this, but can anyone deny it?"
"This only makes it more difficult for the "good moslems" (I keep on hearing they're out there...) to gain employment."
Posted by: Devlin June 16, 2009 at 02:40 PM
"This is disgraceful, no wonder racial tension is on the increase in this county and the BNP are gaining a foothold. This is political madness gone over the edge. In muslim countries you try anything out of what they consider correct and you end up in prison. A few week in prison this woman should have, and perhaps then she may learn her lesson, but somehow I doubt it."
Posted by: Mark June 15, 2009 at 10:05 PM
"All the "rights" tribunals including the employment ones along with most civic employees have no common sense.Which is why certain people get away with this kind of thing. their culture tells them that this is a wonderful thing to do and the politically correct dhimmies go along with it ,increasing the chances that it will happen again."
Posted by: Jay June 15, 2009 at 11:55 PM
"Incidents like this just make it easier for an employer not to hire a moslem in the first place. She is proving that moslem employees are more trouble than they are worth.
It's a shame that it's come to this, but can anyone deny it?"
"This only makes it more difficult for the "good moslems" (I keep on hearing they're out there...) to gain employment."
Posted by: Devlin June 16, 2009 at 02:40 PM
"This is disgraceful, no wonder racial tension is on the increase in this county and the BNP are gaining a foothold. This is political madness gone over the edge. In muslim countries you try anything out of what they consider correct and you end up in prison. A few week in prison this woman should have, and perhaps then she may learn her lesson, but somehow I doubt it."
Roy Tomkinson: Has Egypt gone Mad?
Roy Tomkinson: Has Egypt gone Mad?
I have been following the 'blogs' with interest. Time now perhaps for me to stop. I feel very uncomfortable with what I am reading. Not bacause what you say is devisive and polarizing (although it is). it is simply because i see a person capable of so much more.
ReplyDeleteBefore i go I will offer my own view, in the simple hope that I might share another way of looking at things. A way that will not make things worse, but in some small way, heal. You did this in Boys, Men and Mountains.
The Muslims, Smokers, Eqyptians. They are no better or worse than the rest of us. Their actions have nothing to do with religion, sex or nationhood. It has to do with us, as humans, our limitations and importantly levels of conciousness at that particular time in our development. It has to do with individual awarness of our behaviour and readiness to tackle it. It matters not if its individual or societal. I am talking about individual levels of conciousness, Carl Jung called it collective unconciousness as experienced by nations and mankind even.
They (and we) do what we do because that is where we are all at in our growth process. This is why although I hate smoking, I realise so do many smokers. They would love not to do it. To accuse them of other things does not help. Force/ resistance is met with by similar resistance, Thats is why 'they' feel they have to justify their actions. Its the same with cheats. Whether a muslim tries it on at a tribunal or a British road accident victim tries it on to get compensation even though they are unhurt in this context is irrelevent
As far as Muslims, BNP members, even criminals are concerned, we are all 'one' at a deep level. By posing the question, 'would you employ a muslim' you are adding to possible division. 'Like attracts like'.
I would invite such a tallented and kind man as you seem to be Roy to therefore henceforth cease writing anything that is likley to divide further.
The secret of Boys Men & Mountains is that we could all identify with it. There was noting to cause division or harm. It unified us all as humans. That is why it is your greatest achievement and likley to remain that way without a deepening / shift in thinking.
You speak (or write ) nowadays from a political perspective. As a nation we don't need any more politicians however, we need 'Statesmen'. We don't need a George Bush, we need a Nelson Mandella. You write and make 'judgment,condemnation'etc. All negative emotions. All low energy fields. The greatest change is brought about without any force or condemnation. You are capable of inspiring, this is why I am so dissapointed in what I now read.
Sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder of who we realy are, not an argument. You as a professional author therefore have a special duty to be careful how and what you write. Your words can make a difference. To decide if you want to become part of the problem or an instrument(even a small one) in solving a problem is a sacred duty which I now invite you to think about.
Many thanks